Professional Family Childcare Association of Utah
Got a Burning Question?
One of PFCCA's goals is to connect our members to quality, useful, information directly from the source. The information provided comes from various experts within the child care professional loop. Including, but not limited to: licensors, association representatives, and other providers just like you.
Frequently Asked Questions
I just hired an employee who has a young child just shy of a year old. The infant counts in the ratios and takes up a spot in my program. The employee qualifies for subsidy, but was told that because she is employed by a family child care provider could not get subsidy for her infant, but could if she was employed by a center, is this information correct?
Our Administrative Rules R986-700-702 state: (9) CC will not be paid to a client for the care of his or her own child(ren) when the client is working in a residential setting. CC may be approved where the client is working for an approved child care center, regularly watches children other than her own, and does not have an ownership interest in the child care center. CC will not be paid to a client for the care of his or her own child(ren) if the client is a stockholder, officer, director, partner, manager or member of a corporation, partnership, limited liability partnership or company or similar legal entity providing the CC.
The subsidy is not intended for the parent to watch her own children. Generally, family child care does not have separate rooms and separate teachers for different age groups. While a parent may be performing other duties, the parent is present in the home and with her child throughout the day. This policy was put into place years ago as an internal control to prevent fraud and misuse of funds.
My daycare is in the basement and I have a one year old. When he is sick and cared for by me at home (upstairs) while I have enough helpers taking care of the children in the daycare (in ratio) - is my own child still considered a “qualifying child” for ratio’s and inspection?
When you take your child (under age 4) upstairs with you, and your caregivers are downstairs, the caregivers are actually in charge of the daycare. This would be similar to a situation where you left the home and took your child shopping or to the doctor. Once you leave the daycare, your child is not a child in care. If he is upstairs being cared for by you then they are not considered "in daycare" during that time. The children downstairs are "in daycare" and being cared for by the providers you left in charge during your absence. Now, if he is upstairs sick, you run back and forth from upstairs to downstairs all day and you still have care giving duties and responsibilities, then he/she is a child "in care" and if a licensor came to inspect, they would inspect the area upstairs because a child "in care" was upstairs. If they are upstairs with your husband because he is sick and you are downstairs, he does not count as a child "in care" because he is upstairs with his parent.
I'm going to have my niece (18 years old) work for me while I go on vacation this summer. What do I need to have her do to be compliant with licensing's requirements?
New employees/helpers must complete the following:
Complete a background screening form on the website,
Send in fingerprints if they are 18 or older
Pay the fees for both background screening ($15.00) and fingerprints (currently $34.75 / $52.75 starting July 1, 2016)
Current CPR and First Aid certification (If they are going to be alone at the facility/home, going to transport or going on any off-site activities with the children.
Complete pre-service (orientation) training with provider (a form is availalbe on our website of requirements for this training)
Must complete at least 2-1/2 hours of pre-service training prior to taking on care giving duties
I have 11 of my own children that range from 9 months to 12 years in age. Can I host a birthday party for my 10 year old daughter and allow her to invite friends to our home for this party (assuming the friends will be dropped off with no parental supervision)
The license or certificate are for both the provider and the home. Any time there is a child age 0-12 years at the home, with no parent, all licensing rules apply. The rules do not distinguish about child care hours only that the home is regulated. So if the provider is licensed then the maximum children she could have at the home ages 0-12, including her own children, would be 12.
I would like to hire an employee, she has a four year old. Will she be counted in the ratios?
- When we ask a provider if they are going to care for at least one unrelated child, we are determining if a license is required. If a person is only caring for relative children, a license or certificate will not be issued.
- Once a provider has a license or certificate the only children who do not count as qualifying children are the providers own children age four and older and additional caregivers' children over age 4 (as long as the caregiver is present and providing care)
- The providers children and additional caregivers children from age four to twelve do not count in the ratios but do count towards the maximum group size.
- All other relative children, (such as grandchildren, nieces, nephews), count as a qualifying child. This means all rules, including ratios, apply to the relative children.
- The provider is the person the license is issued to. If a second caregiver has a child at the facility under four years of age, that child would count in the ratios and all other rules apply.